Rohit Negi - Web Development + DSA
Rohit Negi's Web Development + DSA course focuses on:
1. Web Development (Frontend)
HTML: Structure of web pages, semantic HTML, forms, tables, multimedia elements.
CSS: Styling, Flexbox, Grid, animations, responsive design.
JavaScript (JS): DOM manipulation, event handling, ES6+, asynchronous JavaScript, fetch API, local storage.
Projects: Hands-on projects to build real-world frontend applications.
2. Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)
Basics of DSA: Coding fundamentals, flowcharts, time & space complexity.
Arrays & Strings: Searching, sorting, two-pointer techniques.
Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues: Implementations and problem-solving.
Trees & Graphs: BFS, DFS, shortest path algorithms.
Dynamic Programming & Greedy Algorithms: Optimization problems.
Competitive Programming: Problem-solving with coding practice.
This course is designed for beginners aiming to master frontend web development with HTML, CSS, JS and strengthen their DSA skills for coding interviews. 🚀